Stefane Fermigier wrote:
Strange how (most of) the Plone people seem to be so quick in willing to
sacrifice the Zope brand :(

In out world Zope doesn't have a brand. Plone has a it. Most of our customers doesn't have a clue as to what Zope is.

As far as I can tell, Zope is a developers brand. No end users (customers) starts up with Zope anymore. Rather they go straight to Plone/CPS etc.

Splitting up Zope to let people use seperate pieces of Zope aka Zed is not a valid reason. Good software practise is a valid reason. But catering for those few developers that wants to use just a few pieces is probably not worth the effort.

Zope didn't become really popular before Plone/CPS etc. In my case customers are calling and asking for Plone solutions. Nobody where ever asking for Zope solutions! You had to push hard to make the customer use Zope instead of .asp/Java etc.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

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