I am interested in maintaining them, documenting them, and upgrading them.

I have been through the code a number of times, and if someone would spend 15 minutes explaining the high level design decisions, I could probably keep them up to date. Why do they have multiple properties on a property sheet, instead of having a list of independent data types?

I am also very interested in versions, and maintaining versions.

Versionning and ZClasses make the fastest single user development environment I have ever seen in my life. If your company can afford file based development, great, but some of us live on the income from our web sites, and really want to develop fast.

And I object to the statement that "most people with solid backgrounds". I would prefer if you said that: "In certain circumstances ZClasses makes sense, in other circumstances, file based development makes better sense. In some cases Plone is better, in some cases Zope is better, in some cases Ruby on Rails is better, in some cases Zope3 is better". Different situations require different choices.


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