is there a current maintainer or development process for ZopeVersionControl? there's been a little bit of activity lately, but it's still in CVS.

in any event, CMFEditions (a versioning system for Plone) depends on ZVC, and it seems that some recent changes to Zope's DateTime implementation have caused a ZVC bug to come to the surface. dorneles has recently improved the ISO8601 support in the DateTime module ( one of the results is that DateTime('1') now is interpreted similarly to DateTime(1), whereas before it would raise an error.

in ZVC's Repository.getVersionOfResource() method (, a selector is passed in, which the method will try to use in a number of ways before deciding that there's no matching version to return. the final test looks like this:

try: date = DateTime(selector)
    raise VersionControlError(
        'Invalid version selector: %s' % selector

thus the change in DateTime behaviour means if the selector is a string representation of an integer, it formerly would have been rejected as invalid, but now will be considered a timestamp lookup. since version ids are commonly string representations of integers, this can be a bit of a problem.

i'm not sure whether the DateTime behaviour should be reverted, or if there should be a change in ZVC. and i'm also not sure what's going on w/ ZVC's maintenance... are there any plans to bring it over to subversion? i'm happy to commit a fix, if someone can point me in the right direction.



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