Dieter Maurer wrote:
I tried to use Zope3 events to get informed when requests start and end.

One of our modules (the interface module to "jpype") requires such
a notification for reliable work. Therefore, it tried to register
the corresponding subscriptions on import of this module.

That is an uncommon approach, at least it used to be. Typically, we first have a bootstrap level and then we register things. During the bootstrap level, the Component Architecture is initialized.

Things changed a bit after Zope 2.8/X3 3.0. Nowadays, the Component Architecture doesn't need any setup anymore and you can do registrations on import. I'd still recommend against that.

Unfortunately, this works very unreliably -- for the following reasons:

  The CA performs by itself only extremely minimal initialization.
  Especially, it does not register the "Adapters" service, necessary
  for the registration of event subscriptions.

  The full CA initialization is only performed quite late, in the call
  to "Products.Five.initialize".
  Event notification registration attempts before this time will fail
(with a "ComponentLookupError: 'Adapters'"), those performed after this time will succeed.

The "Five" initialization is stupid enough that it will fail
when the service registration for 'Adapters' has already been performed.

That's because Five assumes it's responsible for the setup layer. I suggest to register components through ZCML. Five will pick up configure.zcml in products automatically *after* everything has been set up properly. That's the canonical way, at least in Zope 2.8/X3 3.0

At the current state, event notifications can reliably only be defined via ZCML. This is unfortunate for our use case where the registration
should be bound to the import of a given module.

I typically find it quite magic when application policy things happen at import:

  Never mix mechanism with policy
    -- Brooks' Second Law of Software Reuse


P.S.: I agree with Martijn, the big "warning" is uncalled for. You're just trying to fight the semantics of the framework.

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