Rocky Burt wrote:
On Thu, 2007-25-01 at 05:07 -0800, Martin Aspeli wrote:
I do wonder what would happen if you had both lib/python/Products/CMFCore
and Products/CMFCore, though. Would there be an explicit preference or would
Zope fail to start up with a conflict? I think I'd prefer the latter, in
fact, so that people don't end up modifying/upgrading the wrong code by

Well, we could probably add conflict-detection to the entry point
handlers for Zope (ie so any two packages that try to register as the
same project would cause an error).  But regarding Products/CMFCore and
lib/python/Products/CMFCore conflicting... that would be up to the
standard pythonpath mechanism of the python interpreter (whichever is
first on the path wins).

Zope 2 itself manipulates Products.__path__ to add INSTANCE/Products (or any other directory specified in zope.conf) as a directory which can contain further products (the original Products package lives at ZOPE/lib/python/Products). pkg_resources uses the same mechanism for namespace packages (that's what the pkg_resources.declare_namespace('Products') call is all about); it appends to __path__.

Therefore, Zope will treat /path/to/the/CMFCore-egg/Products as another directory that contains a product (in this case just one, CMFCore). Thus the standard product override rules apply when the same product is installed in multiple directories.

I updated the proposal text with this information.

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