On 3/7/07, Christian Theune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Right. This optimization is about leveraging the fact that in many
situations the upstream bandwith is *much* lower than the IO bandwith to
the disk.

Another condition that I have (and I think this is the general pattern)
is that application threads should be given back to the pool as quickly
as possible.

If 5 seconds are spend in the application thread to untangle mime data
which has nothing application-specific about it and then only 100ms or
so in the application itself, I'd say there is a major overhead problem.

I had came to the same conclusion a couple weeks ago, somehow *wink*.
Maybe we've been influenced by the same person. :)

So if the uploaded file shouldn't be handled by the application
thread, neither by the IO layer, then I guess we need a 'upload
handling thread pool' of some sorts, whose sole purpose is to handle
incoming requests that are large before it gets to the application
thread while still outside the async IO layer.

Hopefully something similar could be done for files being sent *out*
of the application when they don't need any application processing
anymore (ie, Blobs!).

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems                http://enfoldsystems.com
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