Hi everyone,

as you saw, I released beta 2 of Zope 3.4.0 today after having completed the 
first KGS. I am pretty much ready for RC1, as soon as ZODB 3.8.0 final and 
zc.buildout 1.0.0 final have been released.

From now on I am planning to move quickly and hope to get Zope 3.4.0 final out 
before Thanksgiving (Nov. 22). I would really like developers to test the KGS 
carefully, making sure that your applications will run with this combination 
of packages [1]_. Please make sure that no package's find-links points to 
http://download.zope.org/distribution anymore, since this directory contains 
package releases that mess with the KGS; in other words it has package 
versions greater than those in the KGS and will cause incorrect versions to 
be installed.

.. [1] SchoolTool has already done so successfully. Thanks Ignas!

Further, if you would like to see another package added to the KGS, let me 
know. Here is the workflow that I use to test new packages for the KGS:

1. Download and install the Zope 3.4 branch of the ``zope.release`` package::

     # svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zope.release/branches/3.4 \ 
     # cd zope.release-3.4
     # python2.4 bootstrap.py
     # ./bin/buildout -N

2. Generate the KGS `buildout.cfg` file for testing::

     # ./bin/generate-buildout

3. Build the KGS tests and run the tests::

     # cd test
     # python2.4 ../bootstrap.py
     # ./bin/buildout -N
     # ./bin/test -vpc1

   All tests should pass, but there is a lot of additional output. (It would 
   be great, if people could help me reduce this noise.)

4. Add your package name and version to `controlled-packages.cfg` using this 

     versions = 1.2.3

5. Regenerate the KGS `buildout.cfg`::

     # ../bin/generate-buildout

6. Comment out the line starting with ``index = `` in the KGS `buildout.cfg` 
    file, because your package and version combination might not be in the KGS 
    yet. (I should probably not generate that line altogether.)

7. Build the KGS tests and run the tests again::

     # ./bin/buildout -N
     # ./bin/test -vpc1

8. If all tests pass, you can check-in the new `controlled-packages.cfg` 
    version and upload it to the KGS

     # cd ..
     # svn ci
     # ./bin/generate-versions
     # ./bin/generate-buildout
     # ./bin/upload

   Note: At this point, you might not be able to upload directly to 
   http://download.zope.org/zope3.4, since the permissions might not be set up 
   correctly. I will check with Jim about this.

And that's it. I think the process is fairly simple once you get setup. BTW, 
you can think of the KGS as our new super-trunk. ;-)

And finally, I have added two scripts (see `zope.pypisupport`) that allow us 
to manage the roles of users in PyPI packages via the command line. In 
particular, you can give a certain user the owner role for all packages for 
which you have owner/admin rights yourself. I have given the following people 
the owner role of all the packages that I am an owner of: J1m, fdrake, 
ctheune, philikon, baijum. This should avoid people-availability bottlenecks 
in the future.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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