On Nov 15, 2007, at 10:52 AM, Tres Seaver wrote:
Grrrrr. I find "setup.py test" to be really annoying as it requires
meta data that is available only to that command.

Not after running 'egg_info', or any other setuptools-aware command;
the tests_require dependencies then become introspectable.  E.g.:

 $ svn co $ZSVN/zope.tal/trunk zope.tal-trunk
 $ cd zope.tal-trunk
 $ /path/to/setuptools-aware/python setup.py egg_info
 $ cat src/zope.tal-egg-info/requires.txt


None of these is tests_require. The above lists the contents of install_requires and the test extra. zope.tal is odd because it lists the same values in tests_require and install requires. Try putting something else in tests_require and see if you see it show up.

I know that the contents of tests_require isn't saved because I *tried* to get buildout to use it and asked about it on the distutils sig:

http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2007-January/ 007083.html

Of course, something could have changed since then, but I doubt it.


Ideally, buildout (really the testrunner recipe) should be able to
honor tests_require, but setuptools doesn't make this information
available to any other packages. :( (big frowny)  Also, I believe
that more is required to get "setup.py test" to work.  I'm unsure
what the details are.

See above. If buildout can trigger creation of the egg-info directory, all should be well. In fact, that directory will already be present in
any source distribution built with setuptools.

Again, I believe you are mistaken.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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