Mikhail Kashkin wrote:
> Looks like open source developers, especial Zope 3, have enough money to
> buy Time machine. Check Zope 3 profile on Ohloh.net
> http://www.ohloh.net/projects/4495?p=Zope+3
> Codebase      138,855,676 LOC
> Effort (est.)     49267 Person Years
>         $2,709,689,938

This is just due to a missing feature /bug in the ohloh website. The way
ohloh works at the moment, you can either have correct contributers or
correct LOC statistics. For the former you enlist the whole SVN repo of
a project, for the latter you need to limit the enlistments to the trunk
version of the project.

As their SVN parser so far cannot follow copies and moves, trying the
later in combination with all the reorganization of the codebase would
result in useless contributer stats. The price is to have an awfully
wrong LOC stat as you can see.


P.S. Don't trust statistics you haven't forged yourself ;)

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