Hi Chris. I was scanning the lists looking for posts similar to this. Were you successful in getting something like this to work? Anyone else document anything like this?

I wrote a different main.py at some point about a year or so ago so both twisted clients and servers to could be started up using schemas for zconfig but am looking at possibilities without and with other non ZODB backends. I see Philip provided some clues for a mixin that could be used to glue the publisher's traversal mechanism together with an alternative storage. Many thanks.


Chris Withers wrote:
Hey All,

I'm still continuing poking around (when I have the chance) to see how I'd get Zope running without ZODB.

Does the following line:

db = zope.app.appsetup.appsetup.multi_database(options.databases)[0][0]



...mean that Zope 3 is currently hard-coded to need a ZODB?

If so, how should we go about making this optional?

(I am willing to put the work in to make this happen if people give me some hints...)



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