On Fri, Feb 1, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Chris McDonough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I've heard that rumored, but there's nothing indicating that in the release
>  announcement.  There are forward looking statements in there: "tarballs... 
> for
>  the last 3.4 series and probably for 3.5 as well."  I take this to mean that
>  there's an intention to have a 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 release, etc, but past 3.5, the
>  release won't be packaged as a tarball.  If this is the case, even if it's 
> just
>  for 3.5, it would sure help reduce confusion to give this "release of 
> packages"
>  (even if it's just a buildout and the KGS for that release) a name other than
>  "Zope".
>  > Or if not, it would seem like there would be a better argument for the
>  > new approach having a new name than the old one.
>  I'm not sure which is "the new approach" and which is the "old one"?

Well, given that this is a very, very late, long planned release
always called "Zope 3.4," I'd like to see it come out ASAP without
further delay for semantic and philosophical argument.

Then we can figure out what to call the next one.

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