Note that this only applies to the Zope 3 system user, which someday will be used for Zope 2 I expect.

On Feb 22, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Benji York wrote:

I have some automated tasks that invoke code that expects a principle to exist in the interaction, so I'd like to use the "system user" (principle ID, defined in to perform them, but its current title of "Special System User that typically has all permissions" isn't exactly something I want to show end-users.

I'd like to change it to something like "System User". I /think/ this change shouldn't affect people much because until recently this principle couldn't be looked up by it's ID (a recent fix to made it possible).

I'd prefer something even shorter, like "System". I think if someone sees this in a log, "System" will be less puzzling than "System User". An end user is likely to wonder "who" the system user is.

Perhaps a short explanation can be added to the description.

If this proposal meets with support (or is totally ignored <wink>), I'll make a bug fix release of with this change.



Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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