On Sat, 05 Apr 2008 08:52:07 -0700, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now we need people to help contribute content, review the content that's already there and tie up a few loose ends.

You can see current state of play here: http://zode01.lovelysystems.com.

Awesome! It looks great, and is a fantastic starting point.

Some quick feedback from my initial browsing of the site, do with it what you want. ;)

- Try not to be too clever with the "Taste"/"Get" and other links. People actually scan for links that are similar from other projects, and having to interpret/understand them is confusing. I would definitely switch "Taste" to "Examples", and possibly "Get" to "Download" (as a bonus, you get a bigger click target ;).

- The list of companies using Zope includes several examples that look very out of place (i-Gift?), and even some that went bankrupt 7 years ago (Storm Linux). Try to narrow it down to either global brands that anyone will recognize (Red Hat, NASA, GE), or — where this is not possible — go for a market leader in that particular area (plone.org for example lists Oxfam — while not necessarily known by the average person, everybody in the non-profit space know who they are).

- The icons for the "Key Features of Zope" look very out of place. Underwear for standards? Donuts for community? Makes no sense to me, at least. :)

- I assume the front page text is still being worked on, but "Zope is an open source framework for building web applications" is repeated 3 times on the front page.

Nice work, everyone!

Alexander Limi · http://limi.net

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