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Roger Ineichen wrote:
> Hi again
>> Betreff: [Zope-dev] Heads up: Dependencies!
>> Hi all
>> I try to do a cleaup all zope packages and found some wired 
>> dependencies and bad setup. One of this bad things is the following:
>> The zope.dublincore package defines in setup.py
>> install_requires = ['setuptools',
>>                     'zope.annotation',
>>                     'zope.component',
>>                     'zope.interface',
>>                     # testing dependencies
>>                     'zope.testing',
>>                     'zope.security',
>>                     'zope.app.testing',
>>                     ],
>> I guess this is one of the packages which makes it impossible 
>> to get rid of testing stuff on production servers! right or not?
>> This happens in 3.4.0, 3.4.0a1 was Ok.
>> Can anybody agree that the testing dependencies should go to 
>> extra_requires ['test'] ?
> I discussed this with Benji on IRC and very bad consenus happend.
> Benji told me that this topic was discussed and this changes 
> explicit happens.
> I totaly disagree with the concept behind this.
> The general sentence "Test what you fly and flay what ou test"
> is still valid and makes sense to me. But this is not what this 
> changes reflect. This changes will bring in dependencies to 
> zope.app.testing for all our production projects. This is just 
> not true. All of our apps are just working without the testing
> dependency. Testing code is not a dependency for production servers.
> This install_requires will bring in zope.app.testing dependencies
> for all of our production servers which is just wrong.
> Test what you fly and fly what you test is a good thing. But it
> get totaly miss understud in this usecase.
> It doesn't mean that we can depend our tests on zope.app.rotterdam
> for zope.dublincore just because we have a rotterdam package.
> And even worse depend on that in install_requires.
> If a testing setup needs additional components which the package 
> doesn't need, we have two choices.
> 1. write tests wihtout thrid party code (code which is not a dependency 
>    of the package at all)
> 2. write tests and depend on third party code but move the dependency
>    to extra_requires. This allows to install the app without the 
>    additional test dependency
> What do you think?

Even better:  use the documented setuptools keyword[1] 'tests_require',
and get the testrunner / buildout to use that hook when running tests.
An added benefit is that it might even be possible for somebody to run
the tests from a subversion checkout / unpacked sdist without first
running buildout, by just running 'python setup.py test'.  This last
will require defining a workable 'test_suite' keyword, as well.

[1] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#id7

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Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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