El dom, 13-07-2008 a las 09:35 -0400, Tres Seaver escribió:
> > 
> > 
> > Steps to reproduce this problem:
> > 
> > virtualenv --no-site-packages z3env25
> > cd z3env25
> > . bin/activate
> > easy_install zopeproject
> > zopeproject HelloWorld
> > cd HelloWorld
> > bin/paster serve deploy.ini
> > 
> > 
> > I tried to go further and discover the source of this problem adding a
> > breakpoint just before the exception is raised. This is what I got:
> > 
> > (Pdb) self.context
> > <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0x7faf532e4320>
> > (Pdb) self.context.keys()
> > <OOBTreeItems object at 0x7faf52682030>
> > (Pdb) tuple(self.context.keys())
> > *** MemoryError: 
> > (Pdb) self.context.values()
> > <OOBTreeItems object at 0x7faf52682130>
> > (Pdb) tuple(self.context.values())
> > *** MemoryError: 
> > 
> > So, it may be a ZODB issue.
> Your container has too many items in it:  the 'keys', 'items', and
> 'values' methods of the BTree classes all return generators for exactly
> this reason.

As I described in the steps to reproduce the problem, this happens in an
**empty** ZODB with no items in the root container. The url that was
published when the memory error was raised was


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