Hi there,

Tim Cook wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-09 at 11:05 +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> So again, referring to the subject line.  What are the next steps?

I am trying to understand the history of the discussion, which has a lot 
of text and is widespread.

I think Dan Korostelev tried building out the 'ostep' application and 
found the error, correct? I just did the same...He then had more 
patience than I did and tried to understand your source code.

Okay, I'll take another look then and look at ObjectRef. Ah, yes, Dan 
pointed out to you that you are using a zope.schema.Field in a class 
instead of in a schema (an interface). That isn't right, and since the 
direct use of that causes an error, that looks suspicious. Whether it is 
the cause of the bug or not I do not know.

Generally to help people without patience (like everybody), you should 
create the absolute *minimum* example of code that demonstrates your 
bug. This so that people aren't distracted by a vast codebase when they 
try to debug your issue. I feel a bit guilty this is all taking so long, 
but I'll also point out this is not the first time I asked for this; I 
asked the same december 18. We will need such a minimum example for a 
number of reasons:

* I have no idea how your application is put together and I don't have 
the time to figure it out. A small application is a way easier 
conversation piece.

* When you construct a minimum example you will have an easier way 
thinking about this bug *yourself*.

* If we confirm it is a bug, we will go into zope.schema and add a test 
case that demonstrates it first, before we actually fix it. This way we 
will know our fix works (when the test case stops failing for us), and 
in the future we won't accidentally reintroduce the bug due to changes 
in the code. You can do part of the work for us. This is not a task for 
core developers; you are the only one with the knowledge necessary to 
construct this minimal test case as you understand your application 
while we don't.

In summary, you have to make the life of the bug fixes as easy as 
possible. I think that is best done by providing the minimum information 
necessary for anyone to reproduce and examine the bug, in isolation.



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