On Friday 16 January 2009, Andreas Jung wrote:
> On 16.01.2009 15:51 Uhr, Chris Withers wrote:
> > Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> >> Community" in its entirety. Inventing a zope2 or z2c namespace is a poor
> >> choice.
> >
> > Why? That seems like the perfect namespace for this particular package...
> Namespaces are like dust and smoke. We already have enough (pointless)
> namespaces. So let's stick with zope.* and z3c.* for Zope related packages.

I agree. The z3c Namespace was created as a place where *all* Zope 2 
independent extensions to Zope can go.

Stephan Richter
Web Software Design, Development and Training
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