On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 20:29:40 +0100
"Dieter Maurer" <die...@handshake.de> wrote:

> Tres Seaver wrote at 2009-1-18 11:38 -0500:
> > ...
> >I don't actually know how this package fits in with either Z2 or
> >Z3:  Z2 apps are always able to acquire the request,
> This is not the case for "localsitemanager" delivered local utilities
> and we therefore have had several problems.
> > while Z3 apps use the
> >"separation of concerns" pattern I just outlined.
> Nobody forces you to go this route.
>  I've never wanted a
> >'get_request' method in "production" code:  I would consider the need
> >for it a sign that something in the application is factored wrongly.
> You could use the same arguments with respect to the global "site" ;-)
> But few people in Zope 3 land separate "site" dependent and "site"
> independent code despite some cases where the global "site" does
> make problems.

Using the 'reversal of dependency' (not sure whether this is the
accurate English term) you always end up with a few general concepts
that act as mediators. Sites are badly named 'component registries' and
are part of the central zope.component module which acts as the general
plug-in point, thus the dependency. The ZCA is intended to be depended
on and activating registries is a part of that. The comparison of a
component registry versus a request does not hold IMHO.

Depending on a request is generally not good and most people in this
thread acknowledged this, pointing out that they still want the

I'd be happy with a reasonable documentation pointing out that
accessing a request from anywhere is definitely not intended to be
turned into an *everywhere* but needs careful though.

For me, if my apps domain logic can't be used in `bin/zopectl debug` (or
run) without faking a request, they're broken.


Christian Theune · c...@gocept.com
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