Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 February 2009, Dan Korostelev wrote:
>>> Thanks for getting our attention on this. I consider this a show-stopper
>>> for 2.0. Dan, let's think about something creative that allows us to use
>>> the new and old way, maybe through a special import statement like that:
>> Is the problem in that zope2 still contains zope.* modules in itself
>> and not in the eggs, so if it contain old and the
>> new z3c.form depends on egg, we get two independent local
>> site implementation that will conflict? If so, I guess we have the
>> similar problem with ITerms that was moved to zope.browser.

Yes zope2 still contains zope.* modules BUT the 
plone.recipe.zope2install has an option 'fake-zope-eggs' to add fake egg 
links to Zope 3 libraries, so that setuptools can see and use them for 
dependencies lookup...
zope2 (for my part I use zope-2.11.2) still contain and relay on
It's true that we have two independent local sites implementation since 
z3c.form depends of I think that the only issue is when a 
call is made to the 'getSite' function provided by to request 
  the site root. The function is only used 2 times in the code 
(ImageButtonAction and ImageFieldWidget) to compute the resource url. 
Since these two classes are registered as adapters, we can provide an 
override for zope2. (maybe into plone.z3cform...)
I don't have a similar problem with ITerms since I've updated my code to 
use the ITerms provided by zope.browser.
But, when I execute a 'grep' on the plone code itself, I found four 
potential issues:

> I think they later reported this problem as fixed and they got it working in 
> Zope 2. Right?
> Regards,
> Stephan

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