On Mar 1, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:

> There's been some discussion recently about separating the interfaces
> in zope.publisher from the implementations to facilitate other
> implementations.
> I think it would be great to standardize request and response APIs.
> I'd love to see this extend beyond the Zope community.   I believe
> that there have been some moves to try to do this at the WSGI level,
> although I haven't kept up with the discussion.
> Speaking for myself, I'd be happy to change my code to comform to a
> python-standard request API assuming that it had enough in it to adapt
> it to existing APIs.
> This might be an excellent project for PyCon.


I have some other projects to work on there as well, but I'll be at  
PyCon, and am interested in helping on this (specifically the WebOb  
idea already discussed).

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