Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Gary Poster wrote:
>> On Mar 16, 2009, at 4:02 AM, Martin Aspeli wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I *think* this is a bug in zc.relationship, but I'm not quite sure.
>>> I'm using ZODB3 3.8.1 (to get BLOB support) and trying to install
>>>, which depends on zc.relationship 1.0.2. In
>>> particular, it  subclasses zc.relationship.shared.Container, and  
>>> stores
>>> a zc.relationship.index.Index object in self.relationIndex.
>>> Now, the __init__ of zc.relationship.index.Index, which derives from
>>> Persistent, contains the code below. In self._relTools and and
>>> self._attrs, there are a pile of modules, types and functions being
>>> stored. I think these are causing the ZODB to barf. Interestingly,  
>>> with
>>> whatever version of ZODB that comes with Zope 2.10 (3.7?), there's no
>>> problem.
>>> Any ideas how to work around this, or even why it's a problem in one
>>> version of the ZODB but not another?
>> No idea yet.  What's the barf's traceback?
> Mmmm... it seems that zc.relationship 1.1 fixes the issue, but has some 
> other problems (an undefined variable minValues or similar - I haven't 
> got a build with this version in it right now); 2.0dev seems better, 
> albeit a bit scary at pre-alpha. Also, I think 2.0dev *requires* ZODB 
> 3.8, though, which means we have to choose one or the other. Ideally, 
> I'd like a version of plone.relations that works with both ZODB 2.7 and 2.8.

I meant ZODB 3.7 and 3.8, of course. :)


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
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