On Apr 14, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> I'd merely suggest that if nobody responds to this thread announcing
> interest in Zope 3 the app server, then it might be time to consider  
> it
> dead. Neither at PyCon nor during many of the last threads we found a
> single user of Zope 3 the app server.

Many people have said they're using the Zope 3 app server, where app  
server is the collection of components used to run applications using  
Zope 3 components.

What no one is interested in is the *application* that was distributed  
in the Zope 3 distribution.


> By now I count three people using Zope 3 for a small number of  
> projects.
> But none of them seems to have the resources to continue the  
> maintenance
> or future development of Zope 3.

For many of us, the components that make up Zope 3 have become boring  
and don't require a lot of maintenance.

> If this turns out to be the only users of the Zope 3 app server, the
> community and foundation might be better of making this public in form
> of stopping to advertise Zope 3 on its websites and clearly stating  
> that
> this is a dead end.

I think we have to be a lot more careful about our terminology.

What definition of "app server" are we using?

What the heck is the "Zope Toolkit"?  Is there a page somewhere that  
defines what it is?  I thought Zope 3 was being renamed "Zope  
Toolkit", but given recent discussions, I'm not sure.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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