On Sunday 19 April 2009, Tres Seaver wrote:
> -1.  As a branding choice (as opposed to a technology), "Zope 3" *is* a
> dead-end:  it implies a strategy (replacing Zope 2) which we no longer
> believe in.  I think the consequences of the brand confusion are hard
> for those uf us "inside" to estimate, but they are far from trivial.

I never communicated to anyone that I believe that Zope 3 is a successor of 
Zope 2. Other people pushed that message.

> Continuing to "push" that brand is confusing to outsiders, who don't
> understand why anyone would still be using "Zope 2" four years after the
> first release of "Zope 3".  The folks who are using "Zope 3" can
> certainly cope with a split / rename.

That's easy for you to say, since you have no vested interest.

Stephan Richter
Web Software Design, Development and Training
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