On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Jim Fulton<j...@zope.com> wrote:
> I know there are people on this list who have experience building
> windows installers.
> It would be really great if someone who had some expertise building
> windows installers would work with me on a tool to build windows
> installers from source releases built with zc.sourcerelease.  I don't
> have the windows installer foo to do this by myself and am not willing
> to spend the time to get the foo.
> Such a tool would be very very handy.  For example, it could be used
> to build a windows installer for Zope 2.12 and for ZODB.

I'm interested in this, but relatively swamped at the moment attending a sprint.

I will add it to my TODO to ping you about it.

-- Sidnei
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