* 2009-10-14 17:33, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> That's more or less what I have in mind. The suggestions are just about 
> trying to make it prettier.
> ...
> [snip]

I applied your suggestions, and I think now the code is more robust; with
this branch, all the ZTK tests pass except zope.sendmail, which can be
easily fixed (it is importing PermissionPublic from zope.component.zcml,
which is a bad idea by itself).

> I think we need to try to separate security-related tests from the rest 
> of the tests, and test that they fail with the right errors if 
> zope.security is not present and do the right thing when it is.
> It would also be nice to be able to run the other tests with or without 
> zope.security - the result should be identical.

Did you check the ConditionalImports test layer in my zope.component
branch? It is already running the tests with and without zope.security.

I want to bring the test coverage for zope.component.zcml and
zope.component.security to 100% before asking to merge it back to the

Any other suggestion?

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