2010/1/4 Jan-Wijbrand Kolman <janwijbr...@gmail.com>:
> Baiju M <mba...@zeomega.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 6:32 PM, Jan-Wijbrand Kolman
>> <janwijbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Would any of the pypi owners of zope.app.exception be so kind to
>>> upload the 3.6.0 release to the package index? I see this package has
>>> been tagged already a while ago.
>>> I think this newer version should also be included in the ZTK versions
>>> list, as this version will import the correct ISystemErrorView
>>> interface from zope.browser.
>> I have added "jw" as owner of this package.
> Ok, thank you.
>> BTW, I am getting this error from 3.6.0 branch.:
> Me too.
>> $ ./bin/test
>> /opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.testing-3.8.6-py2.6.egg/zope/testing/
> testrunner/debug.py:23:
>> DeprecationWarning: zope.testing.doctest is deprecated in favour of
>> the Python standard library doctest module
>>   from zope.testing import doctest
>> Test-module import failures:
>> Module: zope.app.exception.browser.tests.test_unauthorized
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/tmp/zope.app.exception/src/zope/app/exception/browser/tests/
> test_unauthorized.py",
>> line 20, in <module>
>>     import zope.app.pagetemplate.namedtemplate
>>   File "/opt/baiju/wa/z3hello/eggs/zope.app.pagetemplate-3.10.0-py2.6.egg/
> zope/app/pagetemplate/namedtemplate.py",
>> line 20, in <module>
>>     from zope.browerpage.namedtemplate import implementation
>> ImportError: No module named browerpage.namedtemplate
> As it turns out, since the "release" of zope.app.exception 3.6.0 namedtemplate
> has again been moved. It is now in zope.browserpage. However, zope.browserpage
> is not required yet by zope.app.exception.
> I'll make it require zope.browserpage and release (and upload!)
> zope.app.exception 3.7.0.

Could you upload 3.6.0 as it was anyway, the ISystemErrorView move
would be useful for me since I run SchoolTool on an older/custom KGS.

> Would that be OK?
> regards,
> jw
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