On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 20:06, Fabio Tranchitella <kob...@kobold.it> wrote:
> I wonder if calling zope.{interface,component,schema,configuration,event}
> the "bicycle repair kit" (note the absence of the word "zope"), with
> explicit documentation and a dedicated website really need the approval of
> the whole zope3 community.

No. But yes. If we are going to have subpackages, we should really
agree on approximately which ones they are. But if somebody really
feels that everybody else is wrong, he/she is of course right to do
something like this anyway.

> Am I wrong? It's free software, after all.

Yeah, but it's about what is right/wrong, not allowed/forbidden.
Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
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