> One thing that makes problems like this really hard is that email is such
> a terrible tool for much of the needed communication.  It would be nice
> if we could do something more sprinty.  I don't want to help if it involves
> drawn out email discussions, but, FWIW, I'd be willing to allocate some
> concentrated blocks of time for high-bandwidth discussion and work.

Fortunately there are all sorts of free/cheap ways for high bandwidth
communication.  Maybe a free conference call + screen sharing.
If there was an agenda -- I would be more than willing to schedule,
ensure technology is working,  and coordinate people being there.

Some people in the plone community have been doing weekly sprints.
They just completed their 27th weekly sprint.  They spend 6 hours or
so on a set of bugs in the issue tracker.  They do it over #irc.  By
this is still lowbandwidth communications.  Nothing better than
voice + supporting visuals to increase effectiveness.

Again if someone wants to setup agenda I can help w/ logistics and
ensure voice/screen sharing will work for, say, 20-40 people.

Unfortunately I know very little about ZTK and the dependency issues.
I would not be good person to setup an agenda.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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 https://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

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