Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> On 5/3/10 12:52 , Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>>> I suggest that we wait impatiently for the ZTK steering committee to
>>> come up with a useful policy instead of trying to do their work when
>>> none of us volunteered for the task.
>> I don't understand your suggestion. Could you rephrase it?
>> I'm a ZTK user, and I'm dissatisfied. I'm complaining. What's more, I'm
>> actually offering constructive suggestions. Are you?
> A ZTK steering group was created to help define and manage the ZTK. You 
> did not volunteer for that, and neither did I. Hanno did, so why not let 
> him do his job instead of distracting him by rehashing a discussion that 
> already happened on this list.

I'm a ZTK user. I thought this was the mailing list for ZTK users to 
bring up issues they have? Am I to understand that this open source 
project works in such a way that we can't even say anything until the 
steering group is done coming up with guidelines? How *do* I ask the 
steering group for things? Are suggestions really off the table? I think 
you should explain things better to newcomers such as me. :)

Last year you weren't so overly protective of the ZTK steering group. 
What's more, you sound like you think the ZTK steering group formed this 
year! Wow. You seem to have forgotten 2009 already? I'd be mightily 
pissed off that you're ignoring my hard work last year if it weren't so 
hilariously silly. :) Maybe you're worried I'm trying to take over. I'm 
not, I'm just a user and contributor to this project.

Anyway, I didn't realize the steering group got disbanded and reformed; 
the Zope Toolkit documentation still seems to refer to the old steering 


Someone should update it. That way people don't have to go through the 
mailing list archives to find decisions. This was something that the 
2009 incarnation of the steering group was trying to do and I think the 
2010 version would do well to emulate that, while of course trying to 
improve on the things that didn't work so well last year.



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