On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 17:30, Martijn Faassen <faas...@startifact.com> wrote:
> Answers like "read the mailing list archives" and "we're working on it"
> are legitimate sometimes. But they're also all too easily the answers of
> a bureaucracy that's stalling things as bureaucracies do. They're not
> very useful in a constructive discussion.

But in this case it's not bureaucracy that's stalling. It's the
community readjusting to a large extent to fill the hole that appeared
when you stepped aside. And that readjustment will NOT take a couple
of days, it will take longer.

We will need to keep the ZTK up to date, and I know people are
committed to the ZTK so it will be. But we'll need to figure out the
process, but that process isn't really done yet, and it's hard to
document what doesn't exist.

I don't know anything about the fork, but my view of the fork is that
of Hanno wants a fork, Hanno can have a fork, as long as he doesn't
try to poke anyones eye out with it. If it's a stupid waste of time,
it's Hannos stupid waste of time.

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
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