
the summary of this week's meeting which by the magic of technology is now also in the repository:


Reminder to all: bug day next week with triaging still required.

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
Weekly Zope developer meeting

This is the summary of the weekly Zope developer meeting which happened on
Tuesday, 2010-05-11 on #z...@irc.freenode.org from15:00 to 15:30 UTC.

The agenda for this meeting is available in the mailing list archives:

The IRC log is here:

Charlie Clark (convenor), Christian Theune, Christophe Combelles, Adam Groszer, 
Baiju Muthukadan, Sidnei da Silva

#1 KGS Status
3.4.1b1 has been released. Since last week all tests past and an announcement 
has been made to encourage testing as documentation is outstanding. Another 
release is planned this weekend.

Adam to coordinate releases with Jens. More information on release procedure or 
the steps required so that the KGS can be released directly would be 

Baiju suggested at least an index view for http://downloads.zope.com

#2 Windows Builds
Sidnei has made his Amazon image available to Adam for testing who will head 
this effort. It was agreed that Python 2.5 on Windows 64 will never be 
available for technical reasons.

The Zope Foundation has agreed to cover the costs for the buildbots but 
requires someone to be officially responsible for this.
=> Adam to coordinate with Christian Theune

Still no feedback from Microsoft about the MSDN licences. From last week there 
still seemed to be some confusion about the validity of the licences for the 
proposed use.
=> Continue to badger Microsoft about this and while we're at it - has anyone 
asked them about using Azure for the Windows buildbots?

# 3 ZTK Status
There is agreement in the steering committee and progress. Christophe has a 
tool for detecting upgrades http://bitbucket.org/ccomb/z3c.checkversions which 
will go into the Zope repository at some point.
=> Check versions into repository and an issue tracker on Lauchpad

#4 Bugday
A reminder to all that there will be a bugday next week and all are invited to 
sign up http://wiki.zope.org/ztk/BugDay20100519
Participation can be limited to reviewing bugs with patches.

Christian Theune hopes to do some triaging at the weekend.
=> More triaging required

#5 Housekeeping
The minutes of all meetings will be archived at 
svn.zope.org/repos/main/zopetoolkit/doc/source as per Hanno's recent suggestion.
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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 https://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

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