On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 1:41 AM, Sebastian Tiedtke <s...@mdvtts.com> wrote:
> We're working on a large scale Plone deployment and recently came across
> some odd behavior with tempstorage at our ZEO server.

> The system setup consists of a central ZEO server that provides the
> storage for content as well as a temp storage for sessioning. There
> are multiple other servers that run multiple Plone instances with ZEO
> clients.

Let me make sure I understand your setup: you have a TemporaryStorage
running on a central server that is exposed via ZEO to clients.  Right?

So, when the ZEO server restarts the temp storage is reset (it's
contents don't survive a restart by design), but the clients don't know
all the objects they "know" about in the temp storage just disappeared.
Therefore when they go to load one (because it wasn't in their object or
ZEO caches), the load fails.

Not surprising really.
Benji York
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