Hash: SHA1

On 03/22/2011 03:59 AM, Adam GROSZER wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2011 11:56:05 -0400 you wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Too many never-resolve failures in our buildbots makes their output just
>> noise:  the amount of effort required to diagnose the cause of a failure
>> seems to have no payoff if we don't get them each cleared up.
>> I'm just about done with trying to diagnose them, myself, which is
>> making me sad, as I *want* to be pleased with the quality of the
>> software our community produces.
> I'd say revert back to the original procedure.
> The guilty dev has x days to fix the failure or the change gets reverted.
> PS:
> And please please kick the guilty one's a**, not the buildbot maintainer's.
> It does not make much sense to disable tests just because they fail.

Chameleon is an external dependency, not managed as part of the Zope
repository;  I presume that the authors / maintainers of the z3c.*
packages chose to depend on it with full knowledge of the risks that
entails.  If a new release of Chameleon breaks z3c.*, then it is the
z3c.* maintainers whose tails need to be motivated:  they should either
get the exteranl dependency fixed, or work around it in their own
packages (e.g., by pinning their dependency to a "known good" version,
or by updating to use the newer APIs).

Leaving the packages as "permanently failing" is obviously not doing
anything to motivate those maintainers.  Leaving the board red is
*de-motivating* to the community at large, who have to wade through
failure reports for (apparently) unmaintained packages daily while
trying to diagnose stuff which might have been broken by changes made
the day before.

- -- 
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tsea...@palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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