On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 12:57:54PM +0200, Zope Tests Summarizer wrote:
> Test failures
> -------------
> Subject: FAILED : Zope 3.4 Known Good Set / py2.4-64bit-linux
> From: buildbot at pov.lt
> Date: Tue Mar 29 21:01:43 EDT 2011
> URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2011-March/036574.html
> Subject: FAILED : Zope 3.4 Known Good Set / py2.4-32bit-linux
> From: buildbot at pov.lt
> Date: Tue Mar 29 21:27:19 EDT 2011
> URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2011-March/036575.html
> Subject: FAILED : Zope 3.4 Known Good Set / py2.5-32bit-linux
> From: buildbot at pov.lt
> Date: Tue Mar 29 22:29:28 EDT 2011
> URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2011-March/036581.html

So, it's been a week, and the SourceForge bug [1] is still not fixed.

 [1] http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/ticket/18486

There are three other possible workarounds:

 1. Put ClientForm and mechanize into the buildout cache on the build
    slave, so buildout doesn't try to go look for newer versions
    elsewhere.  This ought to work: one of the four builders is still
    green, for this reason.

 2. Add an allow-hosts option to buildout.cfg -- except it's generated
    by a tool I'm not familiar with (zope.kgs.buildout).  Maybe I could
    tweak ~/.pydistutils.cfg on the buildslave?

 3. Update versions.cfg in the KGS 3.4 to require a newer setuptools
    version or distribute, then release it as KGS 3.4.2a1.  Except the
    only setuptools version with the fix is a prerelease

I don't like (1) and (2) because they're local fixes: any user trying to
actually use the 3.4 KGS will trip on this problem.  In that sense it's
useful to have these buildbots red: we know the problem is not fixed yet
for the users (assuming the 3.4 KGS still has any).

I don't like (3) because, ick, pinning a svn snapshot version?  Not cool.

Marius Gedminas
http://pov.lt/ -- Zope 3/BlueBream consulting and development

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