Well I got Zam and ice.control working.  One kind soul pointed out that
the zmi allows one to add types TTW.  I fired up a zope 3.4 server, and
indeed it is true.  Although ugly.  So let me get the ZMI working with

So I fired up Rotterdam inside of BlueBream.


But it looks just like the default BB home page.

At first I thought I did something wrong.  If it is not crashing, I must
have correctly installed Rotterdam.
 Now I think that Rotterdam must be the default home page.  If that is
the case how do I get the old ZMI interface with bluebream?  Do I use
Boston?  Is the old ZMI even available with BlueBream?   Lots of Google
searches and reading the source documentation have not helped. 

To put it all in context.  I am making progress.  I have ice.control,
ZAM, and now Rotterdam running.   My confidence is growing.  My speed is
increasing.  But I still have a long way to go to being productive in
this environment. 

I think I need to hire a mentor.  I did find one person who was a  ZAM
author, but he is in Europe, which is sadly a more expensive place to
get help from.  The list of Bluebream consultants seems to include 
bunch of companies from Eastern Europe. 

I am also thinking of buying a stack of books from Amazon.   I wonder
which ones I should get?

Why is this path so hard?  How can I help make it easier for others?

Christopher Lozinski

Check out my iPhone apps TextFaster and EmailFaster

Expect a paradigm shift.

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