On 7 November 2011 09:17, Ross Patterson <m...@rpatterson.net> wrote:
> The intention of this package is to see if the implementation of broken
> object handling is correct and robust enough to merge into
> zope.interface and zope.component themselves.  Is this the right
> approach?  If not why and what would be better?  How might this approach
> be improved?

(removed plone-dev from cc).

Isn't it symptom treatment though? If you've got an add-on which adds
marker interfaces to "general objects", shouldn't that add-on remove –
or no longer provide – those same interfaces when it's uninstalled? At
least in Plone, you can easily query content objects providing a
particular set of interfaces.

I think it's a non-goal to be able to run a system without all the
required software – which is how I understand it when you just do a
"hard remove" of an add-on without a prior "soft remove".

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