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Christopher Lozinski wrote:
> On 5/8/13 3:30 AM, Dave Cahill wrote:  on the zope-3 mailing lists.
>> Hi,
>> I was using the export_tree method in zc.zk to dump a zookeeper
>> tree today, and some nodes which have no data had garbage data
>> dumped instead of an empty string. I think this is an issue in the
>> underlying zookeeper library, but there is a simple patch to avoid
>> the issue (attached), so if possible it would be nice to see it
>> added in zc.zk.
>> Here's a link to the patch in case attachements aren't allowed on
>> the list: https://gist.github.com/davecahill/5539050
>> I'm new here, so if I should be posting on one of the the other
>> Zope lists, please let me know.
>> Thanks, Dave.
> A quick google search shows that zookeeper is an apache tool for
> keeping apache server configuration information.
> I think this post belongs on zope-dev, so I am reposting it for the 
> author, along with a brief answer to his questions on mailing lists.
> Nice to see people working on this stuff.
> The mailing lists and the names are in a bit of a confusion.
> The zope-3 mailing list has been dead as long as I can remember.
> zope-dev is for people building the core libraries.  As such I think 
> that your patch qualifies for a posting on that list.  So I copied it
> to there.
> yahoo has several zope mailing lists.  The spanish and Portuguese
> lists are strong.  For reasons I cannot understand, I am not able to
> post on the english list, z...@yahoogroups.com, and the error message
> mentions egroups, they got bought out by yahoo 10 years ago, I
> suspect that the admin for the yahoo groups mailing list is retired
> without replacement.
> there is the bluebream mailing list, but since there is no bluebream 
> release currently available, that seems quite dead.
> And of course the zope-dev mailing list keeps getting the zope-tests 
> results, which is short term information, and thus pollutes the long
> term archives and gets copied  to the yahoo mailing lists making it 
> hard to find useful information.
> Rather than just complaining, let me make my suggestions.
> I would love to see a zope-tests mailing lists.  That way the people
> who want that information can get it.   And those of us who don't
> dont.

We have really *enough* dead Zope related mailing lists. Nobody needs
new lists. For a project with very little effort going on and with a
stagnating audience: what we have is good enough.

- -aj

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