On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 09:45:52AM -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
> On 05/21/2013 06:28 AM, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> >>> [1]    Still Failing - zopetoolkit_trunk - Build # 270
> > One zope.session failure:
> > 
> > File
> > "/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/zopetoolkit_trunk/workspace/src/zope.session/src/zope/session/http.py",
> > line 442, in zope.session.http.CookieClientIdManager.setRequestId 
> > Failed example: expires > now + timedelta(0, 55 * 60) Expected: True 
> > Got: False
> Hmm, I changed that yesterday because the old test code (using
> 'time.mktime') was failiing on my box, likely due to an odd mix of naive
> and GMT times.  The *actual* cookie being set by the code-under-test is
> correct -- we just have a problem writing good assertinos about it.

I can reproduce this.

Looks like the error only shows up when the system timezone is east of
the prime meridian (e.g. Europe/Vilnius or Europe/London -- at least
during summer; the error went away with TZ set to America/New_York or

Marius Gedminas
http://pov.lt/ -- Zope 3/BlueBream consulting and development

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