Definitivamente esse é o melhor canal para comunicar esse tipo de oportunidade.

A Growth Labs LLC, acaba de abrir uma vaga de desenvolvedor júnior em
São Paulo na região do Tatuapé.
Pré-requisitos: Boa programação em python e saber interpretar o
anúncio abaixo:  :o))

Junior Developer I
salary: $700 month with $200 bonus

Scripting and task oriented development.
Will be assigned daily tasks to create scripts and templates in
Must complete daily assigned tasks.
Testing - test Project code and document errors.

Will be expected to study plone 2.5 and Zope 3, and improve OO
architecture skills and RDB theory.
Includes learning ZPT and template scripting.
Goal is to advance to Junior Developer II to handle small Product
Development from specifications that may be 3-4 day tasks without

Interessados respondam em PVT pois não é de interesse da lista saber
que alguém está interessado ;-).

Best Regards,

Fernando Corrêa Neto
Growth Labs, LLC
"Our Business Is Growing Yours"

Email: fcorrrea AT growthlabs DOT com

...helping businesses grow strategically through better
communications, marketing and technology.

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