Fala Pessoal,

Me deparei com esse erro     isDefaultPageInFolder, andei procurando e
descobri que e um erro comum (pos migracao).

So que nas solucoes que eu achei esta dizendo que resolve-se
atualizando pelo portal_migration

So que nao esta rolando... Alguem ja passou por isso?


   Zope Version
   (Zope 2.9.6-final, python 2.4.4, freebsd6)

   Python Version
   2.4.4 (#2, Feb 15 2007, 15:11:19)  [GCC 3.4.4 [FreeBSD] 20050518]
   CMFPlone (Installed product CMFPlone (2.5.3-final))

Site error
 Error Value

(PLONE) - error_log

   Exception Log (most recent first)
   Time   Username (User Id)   Exception
   11:02:35           jpcarusi (jpcarusi)     AttributeError:

03/07/07 13:00:41 changed by wichert    ΒΆ
description changed.
summary changed from Migrating from plone 2.0.5 to plone 2.5.2 to
isDefaultPageInFolder AttributeError after 2.0.5 -> 2.5.2 migration.

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