Tom Von Lahndorff schrieb:

- I think fly out menus on Web pages just don't Feel Good (not to
  mention the debatable usability problems they might introduce[2]).

See Mike D.'s comments on that article which pretty much sums up my rationale and implementation.

Still not convinced, but that's just me. We don't have such a deep structure or information density, I would simply put a context navigation on the left (or right) for each section but not on the homepage, like on this two pages:


Very simple.

Not really. Just the opposite actually, confusing. My design is certainly more "simple" than mozilla's. Inconsistent page layout. I like sites that have a consistent layout throughout, including the homepage. It's confusing when the navigation changes on a page by page basis. In my case there's no scheme that the user has to *get*.

I agree that the consistency is a hight priority (nevertheless I find pretty user friendly).

I also think a *visible* 2nd level navigation is very important for orientation. Maybe we agree on the basic question of a random visitor on a Web site:

A) Where am I?

B) Where do I come from (or how did I come here)?

C) Where can I go from here?

To answer B the page must either have a navigation system in which the context is obvious, or at least a breadcrumb navigation trail.

If you have a visible 2nd (and maybe 3rd) level navigation the fly out menus become redundant. Note: I'm not saying that the navigation must change on different sections or that the fly out menus must be disabled to achieve this.


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