Hi Martijn,

> I'll take a look at the code, to investigate whether we want to maintain 
> this on svn.zope.org eventually. Are you a svn.zope.org committer, by 
> any chance?

My signed Zope contributors agreement went in the mail last week.

The code uses mod_python/vampire/docutils/ZopePageTemplates. It's not
terribly fast. It may be just as easy to convert it to zope.org's
Plone/CMF at a later date. Your call.

> One thing I noticed is that the 'csv-table' directive I use doesn't work 
> on your machine - it doesn't seem to recognize the 'tab' option for the 
> delim setting. I think you might need a newer version of docutils? It 
> does work on my machine.

Cheers, it works on my home machine but I didn't test that page after
putting up on my server. I'll fix that - done.

Best regards,

> Regards,
> Martijn

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