On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 07:20:20PM -0400, Tim Peters wrote:
> After reverting a checkin to try to track down a test failure, I did
> "svn revert -R ." to get back to where I was.  The output was
> peculiar, because it reverted a few files I was sure hadn't been
> changed at all.  So I did "svn revert -R ." again, and the same set of
> "extra" files showed up.  Fearing my local copy was hosed, I deleted
> it entirely, and checked out Zope3 from scratch.  Same result!
> C:\Code\Zope3>svn st
> X      src\BTrees
> X      src\transaction
> X      src\ZEO
> X      src\ZODB
> X      src\persistent
> X      src\ThreadedAsync
> Performing status on external item at 'src\BTrees'
> ...
> C:\Code\Zope3>svn up
> Fetching external item into 'src\BTrees'
> External at revision 29925.
> ...
> At revision 29925.
> C:\Code\Zope3>svn revert -R .
> Reverted 'src\zope\app\demo\widget\interfaces\boolwidget.py'
> Reverted 'src\zope\app\demo\widget\boolwidget.py'
> Reverted 'src\zope\app\apidoc\apidoc.py'
> C:\Code\Zope3>svn revert -R .
> Reverted 'src\zope\app\demo\widget\interfaces\boolwidget.py'
> Reverted 'src\zope\app\demo\widget\boolwidget.py'
> Reverted 'src\zope\app\apidoc\apidoc.py'
> Etc:  "revert" always thinks those 3 files are in need of cleaning up.

Something like that happened to me on Linux.  svn st showed a
number of Zope 3 source files as modified; svn diff showed that the only
difference was a comment line that said '$Id$'/'$Id: $'.  svn revert
claimed that those files were reverted, but nothing was actually changed
-- svn st continued to show those files as modified.

> I don't know that it's something to worry about, but I think it's
> peculiar enough to mention.  Does it happen for others too?

Marius Gedminas
I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and stopped right
        -- Steve Gonedes

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