Stephan Richter wrote:

On Monday 25 April 2005 09:03, Dominik Huber wrote:

Problem: A framework package 'b.x' registers a dedicated menu 'b_views'.
A package 'a.x' using 'b.x' should be able to register menu items
refering 'b_views'. The initialisation will fail because 'a.x' is loaded
before 'b.x' and therefore 'a.x' cant register any view to 'b_views'
because the menu does not exists yet.

I am pretty sure we had a solution for this problem already. I think you simply do:

<include file="a-configure.zcml>

inside b-configure.zcml in package-includes.

'a' does not know 'b', but 'b' depends on 'a'.
The menu 'b_view' is in that respect something like a meta-information on the application/framework level.
Within Zope this application-level-part is handle by the direct iclude '<include package="" />' which is proceeded before all *-configure.zcml's.
Other application/framework may need similar kind of configurations for establishing theirs meta-application-level.


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