Jim Fulton wrote:
Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
Stephan Richter wrote:
On Sunday 05 June 2005 09:35, Jim Fulton wrote:
- What's the deadline for this?
Well, um, Stephan was hoping to make the beta today. :)
I don't know if we can treat the absense of DAV locking as a bug and
get it in after the beta.
No, that would be a feature. So we either have the choice of waiting
a week or making an alpha release. I am for the first option, since I
would like to have all packages included in the release.
Why is DAV locking all of a sudden so important that we want to delay
the release at least another week?
- Without it, external editor doesn't work
What's so important about external editor? Do *you* need it?
- It's a significant hole in our DAV implementation.
Our DAV implementation probably has other holes too. There are DAV test
suites and I'd seriously be surprised if LOCKing was the only
significant "hole".
Seriously, am I missing the focus of this release? I thought 3.1 was to
bring us a simpler component architecture and a better authentication
system. I think that's quite enough to justify a version increase by
0.1. What ever happened to release early and often? After all, we
released X3.0 even though it was imperfect. And boy it has some "holes"...
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