Hi there,

Since we keep running into snags and frustrations with the zope.app.form package, we're checking out zc.page and see whether it could help us any. We're going to try using it today.

We have some concerns though:

* the snapshot is probably aging as bugs get discovered and fixed in your repository. Could you perhaps update the snapshot?

* it requires Python 2.4.1. Zope 3.1 to my knowledge is targetting Python 2.3. It looks like it's fairly easy to rewrite the few decorators that are in the package itself so they work with Python 2.3 instead, but we don't want to maintain our own fork. Obviously we want to use this with Zope 3.1. Am I mistaken about the Python version targetted by Zope 3.1? I'm rather confused that you're apparently using Python 2.4.1 for internal Zope 3 projects.


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