File "<string>", line 1, in connect
error: (49, "Can't assign requested address")

Seeing this error in a connect() call is unusual. I'd check the security configuration of the box for the source of this - something is preventing the connecting side from getting an appropriate address to use to connect from, which in this case should be localhost:<port>, where port is something >1000.
It could be a limit set to the user, or a MAC policy for example.
It is possible also that the server side is unable to bind to localhost:<port> too - do you see any exceptions with the same error, but from a bind() call ? If that turns to be the case, then I'd ask - did you by any chance forgot to enable your lo0 interface in rc.conf ? It happened to me once.

> So, did anyone compiled zope3 successfully on subj?

Yes, I'm runing a test Zope3 server on my FreeBSD 5.4 workstation since the X3 release and I have installed all releases since then, and their tests are working for me each time.

Velko Ivanov
Zope3-dev mailing list

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