Hello Stephan,

Sorry, I'm a newbie regarding that. As I checked there is a
zope.publisher.xmlrpc.premarshal_dispatch_table dict, but this is for
the response. The request is handled 'directly' by xmlrpclib
self._args, function = xmlrpclib.loads(self._body_instream.read())
Can you please give a hint where to look?

Wednesday, August 31, 2005, 12:24:53 PM, you wrote:

SR> On Tuesday 30 August 2005 11:55, Adam Groszer wrote:
>> Is there any way to fool the Z3 XML-RPC publisher to unmarshall
>> strings *always* as unicode? I think the problem is that xmlrpclib
>> tries to convert all strings to str, but in Z3, all strings should be
>> stored as unicode. Even better that zope.schema enforces unicode also.
>> So my exposed methods would start with converting all necessary
>> parameters to unicode.

SR> Darn, I pressed send to fast. I think you can register custom objects to
SR> unmarshall the data. This custom object could handle the unicode issue for
SR> you (I have not tried this yet though).

SR> Regards,
SR> Stephan
SR> --
SR> Stephan Richter
SR> CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
SR> Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training

Best regards,
 Groszer Adam
Quote of the day:
"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reigns." 

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