Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Wednesday 05 October 2005 06:05, Jim Fulton wrote:
>>Stateful workflow was, initially, as much an experiment as anything
>>else.  Now it seems to be a common source of questions.  Is anyone actually
>>working on it?  Does it have a champion?  If not, then I suggest it
>>is a trap that we should get rid of. :)
> Well, it is covered in both books.

It's not covered in my book. IIRC, your book covers the (apparently)
working release of available at Our
removing of that package wouldn't change that. Plus, the idea is to only
remove it from the trunk, so whatever has gone into fixing it for Zope
3.1 is not lost. Therefore existing documentation wouldn't be
invalidated, at least for X3 3.0 and 3.1. Those are the usual two
releases we give people to deal with deprecations anyway...

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