Hi Fred  

> Though this is most certainly a contentious feature, this is not a bug
> in the parser, but a bug in the template itself.  The parser is a bit
> stricter than most browsers.  If you don't agree, please read the HTML
> 4.01 specification very carefully before following up; this has been
> discussed to death many times.
> > I guess the normal hacks used in onther script languages will
> > work. Try this:
> >
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >    <!--
> >    document.write('<d'+'iv 
> id="LOADING_DOCUMENT_HINT">Loading document.
> > Please be patient...</d'+'iv>');
> >    //-->
> > </script>
> No, that won't work; the *template* still has the same bug.  Try this:

Ah, Ok I didn't realize that.

> <script type="text/javascript">
>    <!--
>    document.write('<'+'div id="LOADING_DOCUMENT_HINT">Loading 
> document.
> Please be patient...<'+'/div>');
>    //-->
> </script>

Does this also work: '<\/div>' instead of '<'+'\div>'

> (Note that the break introduced in the script source is between the
> "<" and the next character.)

Roger Ineichen
>   -Fred

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